This DVD-R edition has been mastered from an 8mm reduction print with a higher-than-normal amount of dust, speckling, schmutz, emulsion scrapes, sprocket damage, frame jitters and other flaws. The original source material copied for this reduction print had a substantial amount of print wear.
The film is accompanied by a soundtrack compiled from abruptly-edited royalty-free MIDI files played on a synthesizer. We acknowledge the effort taken to present alternative music to the vintage recordings used so many times by Grapevine Video for their silent film releases. Sorry to say that this music can be distractingly annoying. It would be best to lower the volume during viewings to minimize irritation.
Not a great presentation but this is the only home video edition of the film we know of.
USA: Click the logomark to purchase this Region 0 NTSC DVD-R edition from Your purchase supports Silent Era.
Region 0 NTSC DVD-R edition is available directly from . . .